Gender pay report

Our Gender Pay Gap Report 2024, reporting on Tax Year 2023

Our numbers

Gender population by pay quartile

As required by the regulations we have split our relevant paid colleagues into four equal quartiles based on their average total hourly rate of pay to show the gender distribution for each quartile.

  • 2% median gender pay gap
  • 33% of women received a bonus
  • 35% of men received a bonus
  • 12% mean gender pay gap
  • Women: 742
  • Men: 376

Creating a sense of belonging for all

We aren’t just paying lip service to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) here at the Lifetime Training Group. We’re proud to say that we have strong female representation as a Group, as seen through this healthy Gender Pay Gap report data.

The majority of employees (66%) are female at the Lifetime Training Group. In this year’s report (reporting on the snapshot date of 5th April 2023) we saw the Mean Gender Pay Gap hold at 12% and the median pay gap reduce from 4% to 2%. This is at the lower end of our fellow Independant Training Provider benchmarks in the market. The reduction reflects the slight increase in the percentage of women in our upper pay quartiles, as we appoint more women into more senior roles.

In the reporting year, we welcomed two new females into the senior leadership team, one being myself and the second being an internal promotion (Lou Riley, Compliance Director). This means that 38% (3 out of 8) of the Senior Leadership Team are female. Across the wider leadership team, 44% are female. We recognise that senior role models and elevating the female voice is key for progression, and we’ll continue to support the development of women through the business.

During the reporting year we introduced new benefits that support women as they take family leave, recognising this is a critical life-changing moment that can equally be a decisive moment when women choose to step out of work. We are proud of our significantly enhanced maternity leave pay and also our phased return to work post-baby leave on full pay to help women and their families gently adjust to childcare arrangements and work. Recognising that supporting men during this special time will also support women, we have also enhanced our paternity leave pay and ensured that the enhanced baby leave pay applies to our shared parental leave policy too. We are also lucky to have champions of the menopause who have created a ‘Menopause Mates’ group where they share a wealth of resources and support - both for women and those
keen to support the women in their lives experiencing the joys of the menopause.

We recognise that there are many intersections and areas of opportunity around diversity, equity and inclusion that require continuous focus. This is why we held our first ever internal ED&I survey at the end of 2023 to understand our people’s thoughts and needs around ED&I. We also have a live data drive, encouraging our people and also those applying to join us, to share their ED&I data with us. In this way we can meaningful identify diversity gaps along the employee life cycle and then actively address these. Our first ever internal ED&I Strategy is due for sign off with the Board this Spring 2024 and we will publicly share our ED&I statement on our website, emphasising our commitment around building a more diverse workforce, to better mirror the UK population at large and most importantly our leaners and employer partners’ demographics in order that we can support them further with their learning needs.

Di Gwinnell

People Director