Apprenticeship funding rules

Apprenticeship funding rules make sure all programmes are standardised, so learners achieve well-rounded and effective training.

Apprenticeship funding rules can be complicated, so training providers and employers need to make sure they follow them and use the levy to claim the funding correctly.

Funding needs to be claimed against on-programme learning and off the job training. Employers need to make sure that each standard has an End-point assessment organisation in place too (this is for the final assessment that an apprentice must pass to gain an accredited standard).

Your training provider will be able to support in making sure all rules are followed through the length of your learners’ programme. Find out the latest rules at Find out who is eligible for government funding here.

What can employers spend apprenticeship levy funding on?

Apprenticeship funds which are stored in your Digital Apprenticeship Service (DAS) account can only be used for apprenticeship training programmes and the assessment known as the End-point assessment. The levy cannot be spent on learners’ wages or non-apprenticeship training programmes.

What happens to unused apprenticeship levy funds?

The funds can be used for up to 24 months after they are submitted to the DAS account. After this point, they are returned to the government.

This is so funds are spent on up-to-date, high quality apprenticeship training. The government will always use the oldest funds in the DAS account first to minimise the window for fund expiry.

Funding rules for apprenticeships with Lifetime

Funding rules for apprenticeships are complex; there are many aspects to consider when setting up an apprenticeship programme and enrolling learners correctly.

Our apprenticeship experts can help at every step. We work closely with our partners to understand their business needs, navigate the nuances around funding rules and optimise their levy funds.

Have more questions on funding rules? Get your specific questions answered by getting in touch with our experts.

Are you looking for employer information about the recent changes to apprenticeship funding? Our webinar provides expert advice on what's new and explores the impacts of the latest rules.

Apprenticeship funding

changes explained